The universe of ITS – Intelligent Transport Systems
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) use digital systems and new information technologies and apply them to transportation to generate smart mobility features.
A variety of problematic aspects arising in both urban and rural areas could be addressed to improve the quality of service provided to users on a daily basis. Nowadays, ITS technologies are generating new forms of road use and new mobility services offered to users, in several major fields:
Multimodal Traffic Management
These days, the road system serves an increasing number of transportation means (cars, bicycles, pedestrians, self-driving vehicles, public transport, etc.). How can we improve the management of the public space? This is the whole point of the multimodal approach, intended to streamline user travel by providing access to all the destinations by means of interacting modes of transport. -
Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
MaaS has turned mobility into a service, enabling users to get from point A to point B, regardless of the utilized mode of transport. The goal is to facilitate the access to mobility services by integrating, within the same service, tools for route finding, parking and payment and simplify users’ life on a daily basis. -
Urban Logistics
Within metropolitan areas, flows of goods are added to the flows of users. It is at this point that sharing the road system becomes meaningful. Urban logistics requires setting up a dedicated structure to mitigate user disturbances and optimize travel. -
Connected Infrastructures
Smart or even communicating roads are promising technologies. ITS systems rely on a shift of the infrastructure towards enhanced connectivity intended to make the road more reliable, sustainable, comfortable, accessible and multimodal. A connected infrastructure communicates with its environment, namely its users and vehicles, and provides new services, in particular to infrastructure managers. -
Big data
Without big data, ITS systems are not possible. Without data collection, infrastructures cannot be connected, flows of goods cannot be set up and multimodal transportation services would never have emerged. Big data serves to optimize the mobility systems and implement a wide range of initiatives focusing on the evolving infrastructure.

The ecosystm
ATEC ITS France is an association fostering exchanges among mobility professionals and promoting the use of advanced information technologies in transportation. Such technological solutions are contributing to the advent of “smart mobility”. The mission of ATEC ITS France is to stimulate studies on the development of ITS technologies in several major transportation areas. The study groups it has set up have developed into a full ecosystem reflecting the diversity of the association.
2. “Tomorrow's Road” Customer Club by Colas
“Tomorrow's Road” customer club was launched by Colas in 2018. The club's objective is to bring together the Group's customers and prospects for exchanges on customers’ feedback and on implementation of experimental innovations in various geographical areas. It is also a forum of discussion on new solutions to improve daily life in the city of tomorrow. In direct line with the Group's innovations, the club also discusses current and future innovative subjects, providing a place for exchanging and sharing ideas, so that together, we can build tomorrow's road, mobility systems and even cities.
3. Mobilité 3.0 by French Mobility
In 2016, the Ministries of Transport and Economy entrusted ATEC ITS France with the task of spearheading the Mobility 3.0 program. The Mobility 3.0 initiative is an opportunity to energize the intelligent mobility ecosystem for French players willing to meet the challenge of the digital age in terms of traffic optimization, environmental protection, the fight against climate change, improvement of road safety, etc.
4. Via ID
Via ID is an incubator for start-ups and innovative projects in the field of new intelligent, sustainable mobility systems in everyday life. It addresses a wide range of fields promoting accelerated progress toward the future of mobility: big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, multimodal services, self-driving vehicles, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), etc.