
mobility services


Study carried out on the Sogaris logistics platform in Rungis

Mobility by Colas, winner of the Île-de-France Region's Call for Expressions of Interest Freight and Logistics

Olympic Games 2024 - Soothing the construction sites at the Athletes' Village

Managing the Flows of Trucks generated by Major Construction Sites at Lyon Part Dieu to ease traffic

Improving Mobility around construction sites of the Grand Paris Express

Improving the Accessibility of La Seine Musicale during Grand Paris Express works


Development of Intelligent, Shared Parking Service on the Paris-Saclay Campus


A study carried out on the DIR Nord-Ouest network

Implementing the ANAIS Service for the Preventive Management of the Eure-et-Loir Departmental Road Network

Preventive management of the Cher departmental road network

Preventive management of the national road and motorway network in the Area 9, Birmingham