EPA Paris-Saclay - The digital mobility pass in Paris-SaclaySmart parking management embodies the ambition of the Paris-Saclay Public Development Establishment (EPA Paris-Saclay) to create a sustainable and smart territory. In 2018, the EPA Paris-Saclay is positioned as one of the drivers of the deployment of the first shared and innovative services, through the implementation of a local MaaS platform in partnership with Mobility by Colas. The Park'in Saclay platform makes it possible to transform static parking into a lever for urban development through modularity by operating three main levers:
SITE ISSUESBy 2026, the Paris-Saclay plateau will have nearly 60,000 users. As an attractive competitiveness cluster, the region faces a major challenge of accessibility for the thousands of residents, employees, students and visitors who daily reach their accommodation, school or business. OBJECTIVES OF THE INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP
THE FUNCTIONNING OF THE PLATFORMThroughout the Paris-Saclay urban campus, sensors detect free parking spaces in shared or public car parks in real time on the Park'in Saclay application allowing users to book their place in advance. The application also includes other services such as shared bikes, car sharing and electric charging. This encourages users of the application to refer to an environmentally friendly mode of travel and thus reduce the carbon impact. GOAL: USER SATISFACTION!The indicators show an optimized use of shared parking spaces. Since the opening of the Park'in Saclay service on the Paris-Saclay plateau, more than 2,000 user accounts have been created with more than 5,000 reservations in shared car parks. DEVLOPMENT PROSPECTS