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Construction sites that are easier to live with... and to accept


Multiple work sites are inevitable in the medium term when creating or adapting a new urban development in terms of real estate, infrastructure or the implementation of new services at the neighbourhood level. These construction sites are not always well perceived by local residents, retailers or employees: although they expect a long-term benefit, they are often apprehensive about the everyday inconvenience caused by the works.

Construction sites have long suffered from a poor image linked to their inconvenience to the neighbourhood: noise, congestion of public areas and dust, waste and/or smelly products, not to mention the lack of information. However, since the enactment of the so-called Grenelle I (2009) and II (2010) acts, the building and urban planning sector has considerably changed the general appearance of construction sites, which are now obliged to moderate their impact on the environment. By 2025, professionals are planning to ensure that 90% of inert waste from the building and public works sector is recycled, thus covering 30% of France's aggregate needs(*).

Regulating, ensuring safety and providing information for the management of last-mile logistics flows

Localities and regions are increasingly sensitive to the planning and regulation of mobility flows, particularly "last mile" logistics flows. This political will is expected to contribute to limiting the impact of major urban construction projects on the quality of life of local residents and on the environment. The short and medium term effect of this planning will ensure in particular:

  • the safety of local residents and drivers/delivery personnel;
  • improved air quality and a reduced carbon footprint;
  • tranquil urban mobility;
  • reduced nuisance in the public domain.

This last point is all the more true as it is accentuated by urban logistics (deliveries, pick-ups, etc.), which bring the same problems to everyday life in terms of congestion on public roads.

These last-mile logistics are now facilitated by the use of tools that combine physical and digital technologies, such as the QIEVO approach(**). This operational simplification is proving to be a source of convenience for all teams working on construction sites and for local residents and makes considerable savings. In short, it is a win-win solution.

In conclusion, anticipation, knowledge and control of vehicle flows and parking related to construction sites represent 3 key factors for an effective solution to maximise efficiency on day D, to limit mobility nuisances around construction sites and to avoid conflicts with all stakeholders (local residents, traders, construction site stakeholders).



(**) The QIEVO digital platform, designed to optimise mobility in exceptional situations (major urban construction sites, etc.), organises the regulation of last-mile logistics flows, guiding delivery personnel by means of a centralised planning system that favours "just-in-time" delivery. QIEVO promotes safe and tranquil logistics by organising multi-site management, reduces construction site heavy goods vehicle traffic and parking in the public domain and protects the quality of life of local residents. QIEVO thus promotes the environmental and energy transition by improving air quality and reducing carbon footprints.